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Author Guidelines

Netherlands Journal of Geosciences is in the process of moving to this new platform. While the website is under construction, the journal is fully operational and authors may submit manuscripts via the links above.

Interested in submitting a paper to one of our Special Collections? Click here to learn more about our open calls.


Manuscripts should be within the scope of the journal, i.e. refer to the North Sea region and geologically relevant adjacent areas. The subject should be of interest to a worldwide readership.

Open Access

All articles published by Netherlands Journal of Geosciences are Open Access: freely and permanently accessible online, immediately upon publication, under licensing that allows anyone to redistribute, re-use and adapt the content as long as they provide information. The journal flipped to open access on 1st January 2019. All articles published prior to this date are free to access.

Learn more about our open access licensing policy >>


Manuscripts will be handled in three formats: a. Geo(im)pulses, not exceeding 4 pages; b. Regular Papers, preferably not exceeding 8 pages, correspondingly roughly to 6000 words (depending on layout, figures and tables); and c. Geoperspective papers: invited contributions that provide a geoscientific viewpoint on societal issues. Geo(im)pulses are intended to be published rapidly, and should contain timely information. They will not exceed 4 pages and contain at most 1 or 2 figures/tables. If the number of 4 pages is exceeded, the manuscript will be classified as a Regular Paper, which may take longer to publish.

Colour figures are possible at no cost to the author. Supplementary material must be supplied electronically with the first submission of the manuscript for the review process. The format is the responsibility of the author, and will be posted as submitted. All figures, tables and supplementary material (if any) should be included in the PDF submitted for review, placed at the end of the manuscript following the references.

We accept the following types of articles: 
  • Original Article
  • Geo(im)pulse

Publication fees

The publication of an article in the Netherlands Journal of Geosciences incurs a charge of EUR 140 per page. VAT will be added to customers within Sweden and the European Union, except non-Swedish organizations that provide their VAT-number.

The total sum will be charged to the author(s) upon acceptance of his/her article. It is the publication year that governs the publication fee, not the submission year.

Please note;  if you do not have access to funding to satisfy the publication charge, you can get in touch with editor Henk Kombrink through for a potential waiver.

Before submitting your paper, kindly make sure you have read our Manuscript Preparation instructions and are ready to agree to the points set forth in the checklist below.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I, the submitting author, warrant that I have the permission of any and all co-authors to submit this manuscript, that any co-authors can be considered as such according to the journal's authorship criteria and that I have permission to be their spokesperson during the review process and beyond. I also approve distribution with the CC license the journal uses, and this too has been approved by co-authors.
  • I have provided a complete manuscript PDF-file, with all tables, figures, legends and supplementary material (if any) placed at the end of the manuscript, following the references.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • All material presented in the manuscript where copyright is held by third parties has been properly produced and necessary permissions have been obtained from the submitting author.
  • The submitting author commits to reformat promptly the paper to comply with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified in the author instructions if accepted for publication.
  • I am aware of the journal's publication fee policy

Privacy Statement

The Journal will manage the users' names and email addresses registered for this website exclusively for academic purposes. Personal information will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Read NJG's full Privacy Policy here.